This week, we’re talking about digestive health with an expert who has had more than her fair share of digestive health challenges. Aglaée Jacob is a registered dietician and nutritionist with more than 12 years’ experience. She is the author of Digestive Health With Real Food, and she has suffered from IBS, CEBO, and PCOS. In addition to that, she overcame nearly two decades of disordered eating, poor body image and binge eating disorder. She has a lot of experience and has done a lot of hard work in her past. She’s now passionate about helping people who are struggling with these health issues—especially helping women heal their relationship with food and their bodies—and that’s where the book came from. In this episode, we touch on an array of fascinating topics linked to digestive health. Everything from stomach acid, to cleansing waves, to probiotics and prebiotics, to the seven different types of poop you can have! But one of the key takeaways from this episode is around mindfulness of your food, of the eating process, and of your body. Aglaée also shows us where to start, how to start, and how to effectively implement an elimination diet, and she tells us why this process is so important for anyone with gut health issues. So take a listen to this episode, and remember to chew your food!

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Key Points From This Episode:

How Aglaée came to write her book after backpacking in South America. Why Aglaée had to relearn everything she‘d learned in order to heal herself. Learn more about the parasite that Aglaée caught and how it affected her digestion.   Find out more about Aglaée‘s experience with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). How Aglaée was able to lessen her cysts by 70% with lifestyle and diet changes alone. The experience of being a registered dietician and taking alternative health routes. Discover more about the importance of stomach acid and the alkaline diet. What are cleansing waves? Aglaée explains what these are why they are important. Learn more about the effects of a 12-hour food fast on our digestive health. The seven different types of poop we can have and ideal bowel movements. The delayed response and personal tolerance thresholds for certain foods. FODMAP foods and how they may affect people with digestive issues. Why Aglaee believes the elimination diet is the best way to help know your body. The downside to fiber if you have an already very damaged gut. When are probiotics and prebiotics harmful and when are they helpful? Aglaée‘s favorite fermented foods that you can add to your diet.  Why we all need to slow down, chew our food and avoid eating in front of screens. And much more!


“There’s a big myth that acid reflux is caused by too much acidity but it’s usually the opposite.” — @aglaeejacob [0:22:13.1]

“When we do an elimination diet, the goal is to not have to do it again.” — @aglaeejacob [0:42:40.1]

“It became mainstream that fiber means better digestion, but it is not the case for many people with IBS.” — @aglaeejacob [0:45:30.1]

“Taking probiotics while you have SIBO is like putting oil on the fire.” — @aglaeejacob [0:52:00.1]

“I think that going back to food is always your best bet. That is how we’ve done it forever.” — @aglaeejacob [0:54:20.1]

“The first step that everybody could take to optimize their digestion is to just slow down when you eat.” — @aglaeejacob [0:57:35.1]

Links Mentioned in This Episode: 

Chomps –

Aglaée Jacob on Twitter –

Aglaée Jacob on LinkedIn –

Radicata Nutrition –

Radicata Nutrition Instagram –

Radicata Nutrition Facebook –

Digestive Health With Real Food –

Robb Wolf podcast –

Heidelberg stomach acid test –

Migrating Motor Complex (MMC) –

Bristol stool chart –

Paul Chek –


Making Sauerkraut on YouTube –

Paleo Magazine –

Paleo Magazine Instagram –

Four square breaths –



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