On today’s episode we have Dr. Shawn Baker, the founder of Carnivore Training Systems. We’ll be talking to Dr. Baker about all things meat and why he believes in a diet comprised of 100-percent red meat. Now, our listeners are probably already open to or enjoying a high fat, high meat diet, but Dr. Baker definitely takes this to the next level, as you will hear. Shawn Baker started out as a medical student before dropping out to play rugby in New Zealand. He worked in the Air Force and then went back to medical school. Through this time and beyond, he was always taking part in highly competitive sports and pushing his body to its limits, and through many experiments and observations he has arrived at what he calls the carnivore diet. You might be asking yourself: What about fiber? What about greens? What about berries? But all will be revealed and we at PMR think it is worth sticking around and hearing what he has to say. Tune in to hear it all!

CLICK HERE for the full transcript.

Key Points From This Episode:

Dr. Baker’s background and how he dropped out of medical school to play rugby. Some of the scarce literature that is available to support a carnivorous diet. The lack of data that can be gathered and how Dr. Baker hopes to use what is available. What a carnivorous diet actually means and why it consists of things other than meat. Possible problems and health issues that might arise out of transitioning to this diet. Overlaps between the keto diet and the carnivorous diet. Why you might gain or lose weight on this diet depending on your body. Intermittent feasting and the role of fasting within Dr. Baker’s plan. Why you might want to cook and eat less if you are eating only red meat. Dr. Baker’s kids’ diet and applying this plan for younger persons. What Dr. Baker’s cheat day might look like and when he did go off the diet. Ways to measure your body's functions during a 30 day trial of the carnivore diet. Supplementation and speculation around things that you might miss out on. Different genes and their ability to handle this diet from an evolutionary perspective. What type of person is this diet well-suited to? Success for women on this carnivorous diet plan and why it is not impossible. How Dr. Baker envisions the diet being used by different people according to their needs. The Carnivore Training System and what the plan includes. Different training plans for different sports and how this might fit in. And much more!


“In truth, there is not a lot of data on this, I’m trying to change that, I’m trying to collect data. It’s semi-informal right now but we are gathering a lot.” — Dr. Shawn Baker [0:12:19.1]

“I don’t think there’s a big problem with it quite honestly. You know, I think it’s more social acceptance, more than anything. I think nutritionally, it’s fine.” — Dr. Shawn Baker [0:27:15.1]

Links Mentioned in This Episode: 

Dr. Shawn Baker on Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/shawnbaker1967/?hl=en

N Equals Many — https://nequalsmany.com/

Meat Heals — http://meatheals.com/

Ryan Munsey — http://ryanmunsey.com/

The Better Human Podcast — https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-better-human-project/id1335303969?mt=2

Joe Rogan — https://www.joerogan.com/

Chomps — https://chomps.com/

Vince Gironda — https://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/kosloff1.htm

Vilhjalmur Stefansson — https://www.britannica.com/biography/Vilhjalmur-Stefansson

Amber O’Hearn — https://zerocarbzen.com/2016/10/04/zero-carb-interview-amber-ohearn/

Dr. George Eid — https://doctors.ahn.org/profile/George-M-Eid

Dr. Lily Nichols — http://pilatesnutritionist.com/

Real Food for Pregnancy — https://www.amazon.com/Real-Food-Pregnancy-Lily-Nichols/dp/0986295043



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