Everyone has heard of The Biggest Loser TV show. It's where they take a group of overweight people, move them out to an isolated compound, pair them with a trainer, and see who can lose the most amount of weight in the shortest amount of time. The show consistently gets huge ratings and it's made a star out of the program's biggest personality, Jillian Michaels.

Unfortunately, we see the damage shows like this have done. Losing weight at all cost, only to gain it back, and then some, as many Biggest Loser contestants have, only serves to perpetuate the good and the bad, black and white, binge and purge mentality that so many people suffer from, but what if there was a different way to do a TV show about weight loss? What if the contestants were able to pick their own trainers, work out and cook in their own homes, and had to show that they could sustain change even when their trainer wasn't yelling at them?

Well, that show does exist. It's called My Diet is Better Than Yours. The whole season is available now on demand and on streaming services like Hulu. What's even more amazing about My Diet is Better Than Yours is that Paleo Magazine Radio alumni Abel James was one of the coaches on the show, and his client, despite being the oldest, unhealthiest, and perhaps most unlikely contestant, gave the standout performance of the season.

In this episode of PMR, we’re joined first by Abel, and then in the second half of the show, by his client Kurt. In our conversations, we discuss -

How they got recruited to join a network reality TV show. (Hint, one of them used Twitter and the other a newspaper ad.)
What it's like to live on camera for weeks at a time
How Abel's wild version of Paleo stacked up against the competition, and why Kurt found it so appealing.
The results Kurt achieved over the course of the show and the controversial finale
How you can apply the principles Abel outlines in his book, The Wild Diet, to create sustainable, enjoyable weight loss.

Spoiler alert! During the interviews, we discuss the outcome of the show, so if you haven't seen My Diet is Better Than Yours yet, go watch it and then come back to this podcast!