One of the idiosyncrasies of the human brain is that it's hardwired to put things into boxes. Not literal boxes necessarily, but figurative boxes. Just think, if you see a person walking past you on the street, you immediately, reflexively, and instinctively categorize them based on qualities like age, gender, skin color, clothing, and attractiveness. From these generalizations, we then extrapolate even further, projecting our own prejudices onto the other person in the form of our expectations about their intelligence, socioeconomic status, and character. In responding to this feature of our primate brains, we can either deny that we do this, or we can actively override our instincts. Doing this takes energy, but it is in this act that we exemplify our humanity.

One person who constantly works to break down boxes, whether it is in the business world or in the gym, is Liz Nierzwicki. Liz is the owner of Solace Yoga Studios. She is an online fitness entrepreneur and the author of the new book, "Happy Healthy Fit: Transform Your Life In 90-Days With The figureFIT! Lifestyle Program".

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In This Episode We Discuss:

Her thoughts on winning the 2015 Paleo f(x) Women's Fitness Challenge.
The ins and outs of our human energy systems.
Why she would rather run 10 sprints than a half marathon.
The effects of training for specificity vs general athleticism.
How she has merged mindfulness practices like yoga and meditation with traditional strength and conditioning.
The mental blocks that hold us back from success.
Her 90 day figure fit lifestyle transformation program.


Episode Call to Action:

Traveling While Paleo: 5 Tricks To Stay Sane


Links & Resources: 

Check out Liz's website,
Tune in to the Figure Fit Podcast
Grab a copy of her book, Happy Healthy Fit
Connect with Liz on Facebook | Twitter | YouTube



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