Royal Insider Deep Crown says:

The notion that Meghan Markle's appearance at the coronation was simply an opportunity for her to 'play the princess she always wanted to be' is, in my opinion, a gross oversimplification of the situation.

Being a member of the royal family is not some fairy tale or Disney movie, where one can simply don a tiara and live happily ever after. It's a life of duty, sacrifice, and unwavering commitment to the Crown and the people it serves. It's a role that comes with immense responsibility and scrutiny, and one that requires a great deal of resilience and fortitude.

To suggest that Meghan merely wanted the glamour of being a royal without the 'tiresome protocol' is to do her a great disservice. It's clear that she struggled with the constraints and expectations of royal life, and that the constant media scrutiny and criticism took a heavy toll on her mental health and well-being.
But to reduce her motivations to a simple desire for fame and attention is, I believe, a mistake.