The much-anticipated reunion between the Harry and his Charles was notably brief, lasting only about 30 minutes.

Photographed upon his arrival at Clarence House shortly after 3:15 PM, following a 10-hour flight escorted by police, this marked Harry's first encounter with King Charles since the Coronation nine months prior.

Despite the brief thirty minute length, it is notable that Charles made the decision to postpone his helicopter journey to Sandringham in order to have the 30-minute meeting with Prince Harry. sign for the family's dynamics.

An insider told The Sun: “Charles always keeps a tight schedule and had a planned itinerary to leave London to rest and recuperate in Norfolk. He is very fastidious about time-keeping but it was significant that he delayed the flight to Sandringham when he knew Harry was visiting.”

“After all, the Duke of Sussex had flown all the way from California at short notice and he accepted the gesture. There is cause for optimism.”
Meghan Markle stayed behind in Montecito, California, as the couple now lacks a UK residence after their departure from Frogmore Cottage. After the meeting, the King and Camilla proceeded to their Sandringham estate, with their helicopter taking off from Buckingham Palace and arriving in Norfolk shortly thereafter.

PR expert Ryan McCormick told the Mirror that Meghan would not be "received well by the public" unless she shows "the utmost concern for both Charles and Harry".

Ryan said when “various news outlets reported that Meghan Markle was staying in LA while Harry rushed to Prince Charles' side in wake of his cancer diagnosis. On Twitter both #MeghanMarkle and #Markle hashtags are not trending favourably.

"Like any well-known figure, Markle's actions are constantly scrutinised. If she doesn't join Harry soon, speculation will build as to why and rumours will begin swirling."

McCormick also pointed out the optics of Meghan not having visited her ow father, Thomas Markle.

Harry reportedly stayed the night at a luxury hotel in London, and did not see his brother.

It’s also worth noting that Harry presumably will not be visiting Kate, to whom he was once close. We share that note without passing judgment, as it is not known if Harry asked, or didn’t ask, or if Kate would want that.

Piers Morgan was a little more direct, tweeting, “ William would rather shoot himself than see his traitor brother."