The narrative has become that anyone who asked where Kate was is a horrible scoundrel.

We asked Royal Insider Deep Crown about this, and our source was remarkably candid, telling us:

"It is rather disingenuous to criticize the media's handling of the Princess of Wales's situation, given the scarcity of information provided by the Palace,"

 "In stark contrast to the detailed statement released regarding His Majesty's diagnosis, the information surrounding the Princess was vague at best."

"The Palace's initial assertion that Her Royal Highness would return to her duties by Easter proved to be inaccurate, though one can understand the desire to maintain a sense of optimism. However, this lack of transparency left the media with little choice but to speculate and report on the limited information available."

"It is important to remember that the Royal Family, often referred to as 'The Firm,' is indeed a business. The public's fascination with their lives is an integral part of their role, and the notion of true privacy is a luxury seldom afforded to those in their position, even if they choose to relocate to California."

"While the media's coverage of 'Kategate' may have been extensive, with countless columns written and clicked on, it is unfair to lay the blame solely at their feet. In my opinion, His Majesty King Charles III has navigated this difficult situation with greater finesse than the Wales family, providing a clearer and more forthright approach to managing the flow of information during these trying times."