Liam has been someone I've been following for the last few years, ever since I spotted his video about Rogue Squadron and the cancelled plans for a Wii release.

Even though he has a day-job, he's been killing it by publishing videos on YouTube that have interested him, and that's resulted in showcasing games that a lot of us were previously unaware of.

In this entry, we talk about just what makes him go for these particular games, alongside social media, and of course, his favourite game and boss stage.

Liam on Twitter.
Liam's YouTube.
Liam's Patreon.
'Did You Know Gaming?' Channel.

Support The Outpost Network on Patreon.

Teras Kasi.

The cancelled 'Rogue Squadron' Wii port trailer.

Liam's appearance on Ben's 'Challenger Approaching'.

Liam's 'DYKG?' video on the cancelled Superman game.

Nintendo 2DS on Amazon.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate on Amazon.

Twitter Mentions