Creating a signature methodology using your innate gifts, skills and knowledge is KEY for being the ONLY choice for soul clients, increasing the investment for offers & INCREDIBLE client results. 

This process has supported my clients with..

>> Going from $10k to consistent $50k months selling their aligned offer, seeing incredible client results and having more time off.

>> A client going from charging $2k to $25k for her 1:1 offer...selling it and selling her self paced offer for $3k (without building a different audience) 

>> A client wanting to charge $5k for 1:1 and seeing the value & her gifts feeling confident to charge $90k

I have 100s of these client results 

In this training you'll learn...

--> The 4 KEY elements that support clients from undercharging for their offer to 10x or more their investments (and selling it with confidence)

--> 5 Steps I take clients through to create their signature offer so that they sell it with ease that you can implement right away 

--> How to confidently CHARGE more & create even better client results with a clear blueprint

--> And more 

With love

Vanessa xox

It's time to embody your magnificence, innate power and truth, while creating your heaven on earth life NOW.

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