“Entrepreneurship saved my life.” - Dawn Apuan

 ‌When Dawn Apuan first wanted to start her own business, her boss laughed at her and told her that she would never make it on her own.

Despite this, nearly two years ago, she chose to take the plunge.

She decided on her business on September 6th, got her first client on September 25th... and by December 31st, she had done over $30k in business. 

How did she do it?

First, she hired a business coach, who immediately told her to raise her prices and identified that Dawn’s gift for building funnels was unique and marketable. This boosted Dawn’s confidence in her gifts and allowed her to fully honour and value them.

But Dawn also discovered the fulfillment and abundance of working in alignment with her soul purpose. Though she had previously experienced depression and anxiety, she felt a new sense of joy, excitement, and hope as she built her business. 

She naturally became not only a copywriter to her clients, but also a coach — it felt natural to her to share her strategies and wisdom around countering limiting beliefs and honouring your gifts.

Now, she is sharing them in the latest episode of the Paid to be You podcast — along with her top copywriting tips!

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

The top 3 tips for making your copy incredible (including how to write your sales-boosting one-liner)How knowing your true value can take your monthly revenue from four figures to fiveWhy it is so important to reconnect with your feminine energy — and how it will help your business

“I’ve had people pay me for a whole Copy Power Hour just to work on headlines. Because they’re that important. They can lift conversions over 30%... or double your sales.”

—  Dawn Apuan

About Dawn Apuan

Dawn Apuan is a copy and funnel writer who helps wealth and spirituality coaches reach their ideal clients and sell their most expensive offers.

Highlights:‌ ‌

00:24  Introducing Dawn Apuan04:55  The journey to a five-figure-per-month business  08:52  Bringing woo into business11:07  Consistent Cash Flow Coaching13:19  Top 3 tips for copy21:21  Elevate and shift26:12  Being paid to be in alignment

Links:‌ ‌



 ‌If you want to take what you’re about to learn in this episode and get support with shifting your Mindset, Energy + Creating Aligned Marketing, we would love to have you join the Wild, Bold & Free Membership. You can get all the details here: https://www.vanessahallick.com/wild-bold-free-membership
