You have it all within you now and you GET to experience the opulence, overflow, love and impact you are born for.

You have an enormous soul mission & vision and you can ACHIEVE what you are here for with alignment and joy.

A lot of clients come to me having achieved a ton - written books, 6/7 figure businesses or careers and have had material wealth. But, it came with a lot of sacrifice and likely burning out (dark night of the soul).

In 2018, I experienced my dark night of the soul after a $100k week, recently getting engaged and living in Bali. Behind the scenes I was pushing, proving, taking on too much responsibility for clients and exhausted. On paper and to the outside world, I should have been fulfilled. 

Afterwards, I started doing a lot of energy healing, different modalities, astrology, Human design and continuing to invest significantly in my development. Although I was impacting lives - I was holding back on the enormous vision I know I'm here for.Fear of burning out and creating a business that didn't light me up. 

The question I kept asking? How can I achieve and create this enormous vision with ease, alignment & joy. How can I sustain my energy while impacting millions of lives?   

And NOW, I have the most beautiful life & business. Attracting the most amazing clients, I feel incredible in my body, my relationship expands with love and money flows in endless supply. I get paid to be me, the Lady Millions way (with grace & ease)   

In this episode you'll learn...

---> How to connect into the soul and life force energy of your programs so that you can get guidance and wisdom from your offer.

--> Tuning into your highest potential in the NOW and creating from this space

--> What I learnt from my spiritual awakening & achieving what I thought I wanted but feeling unfulfilled and how I shifted this to experience my heaven on earth life NOW

--> What this next chapter looks like for YOU and what success truly is (it's different for all of us)


>> Work with Vanessa 1:1 or in Lady Millions Mastermind:

>> Get my Free Quantum Uplevel mini course:

>> Get a copy of my book: