‌“If you’re helping others feel good, that is alignment. And if you feel good doing that, and it’s what you believe in and your values, all of these things will just come together and you will make sales.” —  Megan Rose

What is the secret about sales that no one talks about?

When you’re working in alignment with your soul purpose, your sales come to YOU.

Entrepreneur Megan Rose used to work in a corporate sales environment that encouraged the masculine hard sell and stiff competition. She didn’t enjoy the process or the people, and became depressed and anxious.

She had breakdowns, her relationship suffered, and she lost her sense of joy. The competitive environment led her to become closed off from her spirituality, separating her from her soul purpose. 

She started her own business, but found she still had the same issues. 

During a launch, while overwhelmed by a feeling of heavy energy, she reached a crisis point.

She cancelled mid-launch... and took a step back.

Megan knew that she hadn’t yet discovered she was meant to be doing.

She deleted her Instagram, began some inner work, and took steps toward taking aligned action. A Wild, Bold & Free soul purpose visualization resonated strongly with her, and she began expressing herself more authentically. 

Her new energy attracted people like a magnet.

“It was literally like a lightswitch,” Megan says. “It was so different and I think the big thing I did was owning those parts of me that I was scared to own and accepting it.” 

She launched a new program which sold out. While she’d made no changes to her strategy, her new, magnetic energy attracted clients.

The time off and inner work created an energetic space for her to uncover what she SHOULD be doing to stay in alignment with her soul purpose. You have these answers within you — it’s time to discover your own unique blueprint for success!

In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode of Paid To Be You,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

3 tips for stepping back into alignment in salesThe dangers of engaging in comparisons — and the best ways to combat the urgeThe 4 golden ingredients of effective and intuitive aligned selling

 ‌About Megan Rose

Megan Rose is a creative and empathetic entrepreneur living with and continuing to win in her own journey of mental health.  She supports others on their journey of self-discovery and living vibrantly in their strengths and light. Megan loves empowering women to lead more abundant, successful lives through deeper connection and awareness.  

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Highlights:‌ ‌

00:25  Introducing Megan Rose02:23  Aligned selling06:00  The road to getting into alignment12:39  How to deal with comparison14:05  3 aligned selling tips19:06  Falling back into old stories20:40  The four points of selling in alignment24:32  Wild, Bold & Free experience

 ‌Links:‌ ‌

Megan Rose



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