Are you ready to make your bigger vision a reality?
Are you ready for your next level of income & impact? 

Whatever is meant for you, is already in your energetic field. The key to embodying this next level is to align with the thoughts, words, energy and actions of that version now. 

There are no limitations, the only limits on wealth, impact and spaciousness are the limitations created in our mind from past conditioning (mostly from 0 - 7 years of age when we had no logical reasoning) . 

You are being called to remember who you are beyond these limits - and create the massive vision you are meant for. 

Your bigger vision and highest timeline exist NOW. You can't see that version of you - if it isn't already available to you. Time doesn't exist like we are led to believe it is not linear - in the quantum field of infinite possibilities, time is happening simultaneously and cyclically in the NOW. Which means, you can connect in and receive guidance from all versions of you in this moment. 

In this episode, I walk you through:

// Connecting back to infinite possibilities and potentialities in the now so that you can create what you're meant for

// How to manifest anything you want - and why when you understand HOW and what is stopping you, you can shift your reality 

// Embodying your next level now and confidently being the wealthy version of you NOW so that you stop pushing & proving and instead walk as a match for what you want. Your desires are there for a reason, there is no separation. 

//Understanding how to shift your vibrational frequency, expand your energetic capacity to receive and be a match for what you want (instead of more of what you don't)

// And more


Want to connect further with Vanessa? Ready for your next quantum uplevel? 

1/ Follow her on Instagram:

2/ Check out her programs, self paced courses and 1:1 offers:

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4/ Get a copy of her bestselling book: