Don't worry - The Pageant Junkies Podcast isn't going anywhere... However, Founding Junkie Carrie Cox is starting a brand new movement - And we thought you might wanna know about it!

At Feminine Revolutionz, we believe your life works best when you lean into exactly what you want. Further – we believe smart, capable women can still be lovely, and dare I say, attractive. In fact, we believe your life comes into greater alignment when you pursue both! You don’t have to settle – and you certainly don’t have to choose between being known as someone with brains, or someone with beauty.

We also believe personal development is the springboard to professional success – and that leadership is about serving others who are brilliant in their own right. That reframing your life, gives you the opportunity to re-claim your life, and so much more…

Join our social media pages to learn more... @FeminineRevolutionz on Facebook Twitter and Instagram.

With Revolutionary Love,

Carrie Cox