Worried your business is staggering into a post apocalyptic future like one of the Zombie hoard?

Have you tried to introduce new innovative services and solutions into your company but hit a block at every turn?

Then you need to have a listen to this weeks Pack Unleashed special guest episode with Elvin Turner. Elvin is the go-to Innovation consultant for some of the biggest companies world, and author of Be Less Zombie - How great companies create dynamic innovation, fearless leadership and passionate people. 

In this penultimate episode of season 1of the podcast, Matt and Elvin go deep on :

- How to work out if your company is part of the Zombie hoard

- How to introduce a culture (or space!) that encourages experiments

- How some of the biggest companies in the world foster scalable innovation

- Bowling with the bumpers up

And so much more!


1. Link to the book on Amazon:

2. Be Less Zombie website:

4. Elvin's website:

5. Elvin on Linkedin:

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