Do you ever wonder where the characters of the P.U.C.L. PTU Podcast are located during their adventure? The answer is Belleza, a region as beautiful, diverse, and challenging as any other, created by Lynian, and drawn and colored gorgeously by Basket.   City Overview 1. Nimla City – Nimla City is a mountainous city, constantly …

Do you ever wonder where the characters of the P.U.C.L. PTU Podcast are located during their adventure? The answer is Belleza, a region as beautiful, diverse, and challenging as any other, created by Lynian, and drawn and colored gorgeously by Basket.


City Overview

1. Nimla City – Nimla City is a mountainous city, constantly under sirocco winds during the summer, and uncomfortably cold. Uncomfortably warm in the summer, and uncomfortably clammy in the winter, Nimla is fueled by two industries: fashion, and history. An annual fashion show occurs in the late summer and is attended by people from around the world. Aside from several ruins and archeological sites preserved by the arid climate, and the hermitage has a large, free museum of historical artifacts. The Nimla City Monument is based on the Mountain Biome.

2. Torara Town – Torara Town is situated in an open field, with nothing other than scattered clumps of trees for miles. The town proper is only a few streets wide, and only a few blocks long, but large tracts of farmland creep out in every direction. Aside from agriculture, the town’s real source of income is the Monument at the center of town, based on the Plains Biome.

3. Reinta City – Situated in the cold, sheltered peaks, Reinta City serves as a sort of ski resort town. Accessible only by air, shuttle, or lift, the large city subsists almost entirely on the tourism it generates from it’s year-long snowfall. There is no off-season. The town is a series of hotels, resorts, and a few residential districts and shopping centers, with a disused mine having been repurposed into a Monument of the Tundra Biome.

4. Rein City – A small city with a major attraction for trainers or vacationers alike: The Safari Zone! Beyond that, the city functions as a major hub for the technological sector of the economy, with the medical and tech firms being headquartered here.

5. Vancia City – A town on an island, Vancia is crisscrossed with canals, often filled with gondoliers. Originally it’s own republic, the town has a good set of museums, opera houses, and plenty of manors of that used to be home to nobility. The town is slowly sinking into the sea, and historical preservation efforts are desperately trying to stop it. The Monument in the town is dedicated to the Ocean Biome.

6. Bellicosa – An architectural masterpiece, the town has kept most of its gothic and baroque buildings in perfect condition. The city contains not only one of the region’s two universities, but the largest public library in the world.

7. Toracan – Toracan is a fairly average town with a large manufacturing and shipping district. Trams run back and forth from a nearby tourist attraction: a town living in a recreation of Medieval Belleza, with all sorts of draws. At the park is the Monument, one built to the theme of the Forest Biome.

8. Grandis City – The capital and gem of both Belleza and the Bellicoan civilization, Grandis City is covered in sites of both regional, global, historic and modern significance. From ruins of colosseums, circuses, to an active nightlife and large selection of both academic and leisure attractions. From slums to grand cathedrals, the city has it all. A smaller section of the city is a separate city unto itself, the Coronetian Village, a holy site for Bellezan Arceans and residence of the Pope, Isaac Neteran I.

9. Navian City – Navian City is a town of rocky coastline, with large fishing shops lining both the main street and harbors. The town has incredible seafood and other cookery, especially their “original” pizza, which is world-renowned. Several restaurants of note can be found in nearby vineyards. The Monument here is based off of the Urban Biome.

10. Civian Terrace – Caught in the rain shadow of the nearby mountains, Civian Terrace is in a moderate desert environment, with a traditional dune-and-cactus one nearby. The town has a large aquifer, allowing for life to survive there at all.

11. Obreque City – A city on the outskirts of a marsh, the city does not benefit from the same tourism as the rest of the region. The city does function well, but sinkholes and warm weather can make for uncomfortable times for visitors. The city is also the home of the Swamp Monument.

12. Poriza City – A small town built near the ruins of a volcano, the city serves as a research and academic hub for people studying pre-Bellicosoan history. The eruption was sudden, and preserved individuals and Pokémon in the sudden ashfall. The area is also rumored to be infested with Ghost and Dark types. The Monument is based off of the Desert Biome.

13. Sendoff Point – A loose collection of shops and pop-up trailers, Sendoff Point inflates from a single Pokémon Center to a veritable bazaar each year as the annual league challenge gets close to starting. Trainers report here after completing nine of their monuments to be allowed to challenge the Palm City Monument.

14. Cassowin Harbor – A town with beautiful seaside views, Cassowin Harbor serves as both a vacation home and an adventure destination, as the treacherous Faraday Caverns draw adrenaline junkies from around the world to their depths.

15. Calgan’s Coast – A city of adrenaline junkies, the town (despite the name) cannot be reached by shore, only through the dangerous Faraday Caverns. More of a campground than a real town, the few permanent structures in the area are surrounding the Monument, the Cave Biome.

16. Palm City – A city that functions year-round as a destination for Trainers to improve their skills, Palm City has not only the final monument (biome undisclosed), but a large variety of training facilities that trainers who have completed the final monument can use to train for the annual tournament.




101 – A hilly, then mountainous roadway, Route 101 winds its way through a series of steep climbs. Towards Nimla, the Route is pushed through a canyon bottleneck. This route is populated with plenty of Rock, Grass, Ground, and Normal-type Pokémon.

102 – Farmland hills quickly give way to a series of mechanical lifts for ascension up the high mountain cliffs, with freezing winds and thick snows starting to choke the lifts and trails about halfway through, with plenty of Ice and Flying-type Pokémon enjoying the steppe climate.

103 – A pleasant, short route through fertile farmland and a few overgrown vineyards, Route 103 is one of the least difficult trails in the region. It is heavily populated with domesticated and friendly Pokémon.

104 ­– Forming a T off of the ferry station to Vancia, Route 104 is broken into two major branches: the northern branch transitions from rolling hills to flat farmland, and the southern branch slips between small hills to short rock climbing sections linking some impressive sea views from the bluffs. Both branches are filled with a mixture of shoreline and damp-loving Pokémon.

105 – Cutting between two mountains, Route 105 is a well-maintained series of roads, bridges, and short pieces of scaffolding through multiple changes in altitude. The granite mountains are a sight to behold, and the series of five waterfalls from glacial runoff at the peaks is a bit of a tourist attraction. The mountain way is home to several Rock, Fighting, and Water-type Pokémon.

106 – Moving through the transitory zone between watershed to rain shadow, Route 106 avoids the worst of the terrain by swooping down into a canyon. The shift from granite to sandstone is beautiful and the canyon’s bottom is filled with both a few select Water-types and a large variety of Bug, Steel, and Ground-type Pokémon.

107 – Route 107 follows several old Bellicosoan roadways through a thick, old-growth forest for the majority of its length and is infamous for its unique subspecies of Drillbur. The forest is full of untamed Pokémon, running the gamut of forest dwellers.

108 – Running along a striking natural vein of marble and valuable precious, the coastline near Route 108 is full of Pokémon seemingly drawn to the supernatural aura. The cliff face is dotted with mines and caverns, which are rumored to be full of both useful items and particularly rare Pokémon drawn in by the rich mineral deposits.

109 – Long, flat, and full of waist-high grass, Route 109 feels almost like a savannah. Crossed by a few rivers and streams, the trail is mostly straight, but there are sinkholes off in the grasses through that are full of both unique Pokémon and rare plant life, often studied by natural biologists. Heading off without a guide to find one is not recommended, but the contents can be astounding. Occasionally, these holes in the limestone form deep caverns with their own microbiomes. Aside from the strange cave and water-dwelling Pokémon in the sinkholes, the region is also known for its roaming herds.

110 – The long, dry desert route of 110 is dotted in a few places with water spigots, and not much else. Partway along the trail, a branch breaks off towards the dormant volcano that once destroyed the city near where Porizan is built, the ruins of which are accessible here. Between the heat of the sun and the remnants of volcanic activity, the area is full of Fire and Ground-type Pokémon, with a few Dragon types being known to roam the dormant mountain.

111 – From the lowest point of the desert in 110, a long splinter of roadway extends towards Obreque City. The area is low, with thick marshes and bogs everywhere. Navigation can be difficult, and it is advised that travelers not wear anything they do not feel like ruining. The area is choked with Bug- and Poison-Types, not to mention the Water- and Grass-types that proliferate the parts of the marsh with firmer ground.

112 ­– Known colloquially as Challenger’s Way (or Ego Trip, depending on who’s talking), Route 112 runs through a mostly-natural valley from one end, around a charred section of forest, and through a series of caverns before ending at Sendoff Point at the far end of the peninsula. The area is notorious for its difficult terrain, aggressive and powerful Pokémon, and its relative lack of human development. Worth noting, only Trainers on their challenge take this Route. Civilians always take public transit from any coastal town to Sendoff Point. As such, battles are common along the roadways. The area is home to many Fighting and Dragon-typed Pokémon, but the real common trait is their high level. This is not an area for beginning trainers.

Faraday Caverns – The adventure destination, Faraday Caverns is an area brimming with Steel and Electric Pokémon that feed on the area’s inherent magnetism. The unusual amount of both ferromagnetic rock and unnatural magnetic fields creates a truly bizarre series of challenges to cross that almost feel otherworldly, including stones that are locked in place between two powerful magnetic forces. Trainers are not allowed to bring any metal into the area, with their belongings transported the long way around by a Swampert Taxi.