Lisa Harrington is a Vistage Chair, Brand Strategist, and Strategy Coach. She is the Founder & CEO of Abiding Strategy, a leadership coaching business. She specializes in strategy coaching, culture shift, vision mapping, management consulting, and brand strategy among others. She has over 35 years’ experience with coaching clients in executive positions. Lisa earned a Bachelor’s degree in Management from Ball State University and holds eight coaching and consulting certifications, including CPCU, CAM, CRIS, CAE, AAM, AAI, AIAM, and AIP. 


In this episode, Lisa shares why communication is at the core of her leadership coaching strategy. She describes the importance of having the ability to disconnect from your business and the kind of system you need to have in place for the company to run without you. She discusses why her book is titled Taking in Strays, and the message she wants to impart to her readers. She explains why a two-week break is necessary for mental health and how she gets clients to remind themselves of their core values. Lisa also shares why always thinking about the business and working long hours will lead to poor business decisions.


"If you're a really good owner, you should barely work at all." - Lisa Harrington


This week on Priorities Lifestyle:


What the title of Lisa’s book, Taking In Strays, was based on. What business owners can learn from her book Why trying to be a superhuman business owner can reduce efficiency How the pandemic has hurt the ability of people to get rest from work Why our brain is wired to be easily preoccupied with work Why a two-week break is needed to disconnect from work fully Creating a system that allows the company to run without you Lisa's techniques on getting business owners to ‘dig deep’ on what their actual values are Why integrity can take two directions Why you can't separate who you are at home and who you are at work How to avoid forgetting your values as a person and as a leader


Our Favorite Quotes:


"You're not doing better for the business if you're burning yourself out. You're actually going backwards." - Lisa Harrington "Business owners are humans too." - Rob Schultz "Some of the worst things you can do as a business owner is spend 70 hours at work and thinking about it all the time." - Rob Schultz "You know you have good systems when you can take a step out for two weeks or a month and the business is still running well." - Robin Austin


Connect with Lisa Harrington:


Abiding Strategy Lisa Harrington on LinkedIn Book: Taking In Strays: Leadership Lessons From Unexpected Places



About Rob Schulz and P&L Podcast


The P&L Podcast is a show for business owners. In each episode, host and financial planner Rob Schulz sits down with business owners and the professionals that serve them to talk about business building, life, money — and the all-important transition out of the business, which inevitably happens to everyone who has ever founded a company. 


Email Rob at [email protected] with questions, comments, and to schedule a one-on-one conversation. 


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