Burt Hicks is the President and Chief Strategy and Growth Officer at Encore Bank, a private boutique bank that provides a full suite of financial products and services with a commercial focus on businesses, owners, professionals, and their families. As Chief Strategy and Growth Officer, Burt’s specialties and responsibilities include strategic and financial planning, change management, mergers and acquisitions, investor relations, and risk management. Before joining Encore Bank, Burt worked at Simmons Bank as their Director of Mortgage Banking.

Burt joins me today to discuss the importance of finding a mentor who imparts wisdom as a professional and human being. He shares what sets Encore Bank apart from other companies and how they uphold an employee-ownership mentality. He describes his takeaways from working in investment banking and how he applies them in his current career. Burt also explains how the pandemic changed what is essential to their consumers.


"It's important when you're young to have a mentor who isn't just focused on your career, but also on you as a human." - Burt Hicks


This week on Priorities Lifestyle:

The number of markets Burt's company is working in Their team composition and what sets them apart from other banks Establishing an employee-ownership mentality How they manage to have employees who are 6-digit investors Why semantics matter in their organization How technology has allowed them to hire top-level people What Burt learned in investment banking that he applies today The people who heavily influenced Burt's career Why mentorship is more than just a focus on career What you can give back to your mentors Learning what is valuable from the perspective of a buyer Why every business owner should always have an exit in mind How the pandemic affected the way Burt does business The long-lasting effects of the pandemic on what consumers value

Our Favorite Quotes:


"You don't have to do things differently, but you have to be willing to think about doing things differently." - Burt Hicks When you get to be my age, people really do want to help. If you don't ask, it's never going to happen." - Rob Schulz "There's always going to be some type of exit. None of us live forever. Always having an exit in mind is good business." - Rob Schulz



Connect with Burt Hicks:

Encore Bank Burt Hicks on LinkedIn Email: [email protected]


About Rob Schulz and P&L Podcast

The P&L Podcast is a show for business owners. In each episode, host and financial planner Rob Schulz sits down with business owners and the professionals that serve them to talk about business building, life, money — and the all-important transition out of the business, which inevitably happens to everyone who has ever founded a company. 


Email Rob at [email protected] with questions, comments, and to schedule a one-on-one conversation. 


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