Happy Valentine's Day!!!

On today's episode we start our discussion on Immigration with what happen to the Atlanta based rapper 21 Savage. After his arrest at the hands on ICE, the rapper faces a complex and punitive series of challenges. 

Today, our immigration system is broken, and everybody knows it. Families who enter our country the right way and play by the rules watch others flout the rules. Business owners who offer their workers good wages benefits see the competition exploit undocumented immigrants by paying them far less. All of us take offense to anyone who reaps the rewards of living in America without taking on the responsibilities of living in America. And undocumented immigrants who desperately want to embrace those responsibilities see little option but to remain in the shadows, or risk their families being torn apart.

Deportation can happen to anyone, rather they're celebrities or not. Migrating into the US is definitely not a easy affordable task.