In this week's episode, Sandra talks about the Legend of Margorie McCall which happened in Lurgan Ireland in 1705. Legend has it that Margorie McCall passed away due to a severe illness. When she was buried, she was buried with a precious wedding ring that no one could remove from her finger. Unfortunately, a short time after her death, grave robbers attempted to steal the ring. While attempting to steal the ring they decided to cut her finger off. Once the blood started to appeal on her finger, Margorie woke with a start from her "dead-like" state and scared the grave robbers off. She then went home to her husband who upon answering the door fell down dead. He was then buried in the same plot meant for her, and she went on to remarry and have several more children. Her gravestone was engraved with  "Lived Once. But died twice."  Find out how this story could relate to other similar tales from the "Lady with the Ring."

Later, Danielles talks about the '90s in Norway. Specifically the black metal music scene. Known of being very anti-religion and violent, members were celebrated for being rebellious to a fault. Musicians from various black metal bands became more and more extreme. One person even mutilated himself while performing at concerts. This is one of the darker and angstier stores that has been covered with OWTTA. 

Sandra's Sources:

Danielle's Source:,then%20burned%20down%20Holmenkollen%20chapel.


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