Inspired by Danielle's recent trip to Provincetown, Tony Chop Chop Costa was a local serial killer active in the 1960s and 70s. He was known for inviting girls to his magic garden where he grew marijuana. It was in the garden where Tony would butcher his victims. Thanks to Jose from the Clarendon House for this suggestion!

In this week's episode Sandra talks about Hag Stones. These stones are typically found along dry riverbeds and beaches. They are also known as fairy stones and witch stones. Legend has it that these stones that are usually misshapen with a hole in the middle bring good things and can ward off evil. They have been used to ward off witches and even used to help fertility. One of the most important things about hag stones is that they are supposed to find you, and only work for the person that they find.

Danielle's Sources:

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