Show Notes: Owning Up Podcast - Elevate to Impact Workshop Series. Join CEO/Founder Moni Jefferson sharing a preview of what to expect from the 3 part live workshop. 

- Welcome to the Owning Up podcast!
- Excitement about the Striving to Thriving workshop series, specifically Elevate to Impact.
- The transformational journey that led to creating Elevate to Impact.
Overview of Elevate to Impact:
- A three-part live workshop series designed for military spouses.
- A sneak peek into a transformative process for spouses striving to thrive.
- Focus on impacting personal and business aspects of military spouses.

Workshop Dates:
- February 13th, February 15th, and February 22nd.
- Replays are available for those unable to attend the live sessions.
Workshop Breakdown:
Workshop 1: Crushing Your Imposter
- Addressing imposter syndrome in various life aspects.
- Gaining clarity to break through limiting beliefs.
- Uncovering barriers holding back personal and business growth.
- Aligning with values and strategies to release hidden fears and expectations.
Workshop 2: Redesigning Your Life
- Practical tools to redesign life and reveal the true self.
- Unlocking sustainable joy despite military life challenges.
- Showing up with authority, confidence, and boldness.
- Redesigning life for purpose and passion.

Workshop 3: Embracing Uncertainty
- Navigating the uncertainty of military life with ease and grace.
- Implementing bold boundaries and crafting flexible routines.
- Discovering the secrets to guilt-free rest and rejuvenation.
The Elevate to Impact Program:
- A transformative journey for spouses seeking personal and business growth.
- A reflection of the connection between personal and business success.
Invitation to Attend:
- Encouragement to join the free workshop series.
- Emphasis on the potential for life-changing outcomes.
- The importance of recognizing and addressing personal challenges.
- Sign up at