Small businesses account for nearly half of all jobs in the US economy, and nearly half of all small businesses are owned by Baby Boomers who will retire in the next few decades in what has been termed the "silver tsunami". These businesses are integral to local communities, and there continued operation is key to building back our economy. In this episode we talk to Brett Jones of Evergreen Cooperatives and Ellen Vera of Co-op Cincy about each of their organization's new loan funds designed to help convert existing businesses into employee owned companies, giving owners, workers, and communities an opportunity to build wealth and meet the challenge of the silver tsunami.

Upcoming programming 

Our 35th Annual Ohio Employee Ownership Conference is one month away, check out the agenda and registe

Guest info 

Brett Jones, Evergreen Cooperatives  

Email: [email protected]  Phone: 216-338-4468

Ellen Vera, Co-op Cincy  

Email: [email protected] Phone 513-807-3898 Business Legacy Fund Website

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