SUMMARY: When we think about expanding awareness about employee ownership, we often think of the United States and how much more work we have to do. However, the movement to expand the prevalence and awareness of employee ownership goes well beyond US borders. In this episode, we highlight an international example of this effort. We speak with Rodrigo Fernandez del Valle and Gonzalo Hernandez Gutierrez about an edited book they published, which includes chapters on employee ownership contributed by practitioners, researchers, and thinkers worldwide. Their goal? Introduce students, government officials, and business leaders to employee ownership and how it can positively impact society. We talked about how the book project came to be, what the book's reception has been, and what projects they are working on now to expand employee ownership in Mexico, Latin America, and beyond. 

Free Book Copy 
Employee Ownership in the Americas: A Path to Shared Prosperity: 

Capital Incluyente
Co-founded by Rodrigo with the purpose of providing technical assistance to those who want to create businesses owned by employees: 

Guest Info:

·        Gonzalo Hernandez Gutierrez:

·        Rodrigo Fernandez del Valle:  


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WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU: We are always looking for new employee ownership stories to tell. Please contact us with your story at [email protected]