With higher mortgage interest rates, taking over bank loans written at 3% and 4% are all the rage. Everywhere you look investors are getting under contract with subject to seller financing terms, and they flip them to unsuspecting buyers for tens of thousands of dollars. What they fail to realize is that there is 1) a high chance of acceleration (triggering the 'due on sale'), 2) a high chance of getting sued down the road, and 3) a high chance of setting buyers up for financial loss and disappointment.

There is only one way to leverage existing institutional financing 100% legally and in a way the guarantees that the loan won't get 'called' or accelerated. I interview Scott Moyes who has the only Title Holding Trust system I would ever use.

As investors, let's get deals done, solve problems and make money without creating unnecesssary risk for all parties to the transaction. We need to equitably balance risk and reward, and make sure it's good for everyone now, and down the road.