Welcome to season 2 of the Cosmic Tea Podcast!!! I wasn’t sure if there was going to be another season, but the message came in loud and clear that there is more magic to be talked about.

In this first episode I’m sharing something very near and dear to my heart. How I use the moon cycles in my business.

Over the last seven years I have studied my energy and how it responds to my business in each phase of the moon. Well really, the gaps between the moon phases.

This is what I’ve learned.

The new moon is for setting intentions for the next month.

From the new moon to the first quarter moon - waxing crescent - initiate your intentions. This is an internal time to nourish the seeds planted at the new moon. A time of beginnings and openings. Planning and building.

From the first quarter moon until the full moon - waxing gibbous - take your intentions and share them with others. This is the time of action. Recording videos, writing copy, hanging out with others, being seen in your stardust. The peak light of the moon cycle. 

The full moon brings something to light to release to create space for the new to grow. 

From the full moon until the third quarter moon - waning gibbous - evaluate your business. What worked over the last 3-4 weeks? What felt easy? Challenging? What areas are growing? Fading? This is a powerful time to look at the data your business offers you. 

From the third quarter moon until the new moon - waning crescent - it’s about going inwards. This is a powerful time of co-creation with inner wisdom. Commune with your intuition. This is a week to be alone and talk to it. Hear the inner wisdom of your soul. Allow it to guide where to focus your attention for the next month.

This cycle has been powerful for me as I navigate the natural rhythms of the moon in my body and spirit. 

Do you work with the moon in your business? Do these cycles match how you feel during the month?