YOUR CYCLE IS SACRED. YOUR MENSTRUAL BLOOD IS SACRED! Your hormones are speaking to you - what are they saying?! Is how you live your life reflected within your menstrual cycle? Perhaps. There is an ancient, wise wisdom keeper within you - do you listen to her? Kelly shares part 2 of her experience with her cycle, what endometriosis is exactly, how endometriosis is diagnosed, what has HELPED her heal her connection to her cycle and how you can too. You'll also find a bit about the history of honoring a woman's cycle along with her blood and how we are slowly moving back toward this sacred outlook and practice once again. 
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Kelly Rich, B.S., RYT, AHC is an international Seeress, Soul Reader, Intuitive, Educator, Mentor, host of the Own Your Intuition Podcast, creator of the Clarity Cleanse, Bug Light Yoga and the Own Your Intuition Course + Mentorship. She’s been leading transformational experiences since 2011. Connect with Kelly on Instagram @TheKellyRich