You can carry energetic blueprints from your mother and her mother’s mother and so on. No matter your relationship with your mother or maternal line, on some level you have/had a soul contract with both. Healing your ties or connections to your Maternal Line/Mother Wound can be powerful and deep work and could also feel gentle and effortless. No two healings are exactly alike. In this episode Kelly shares an INTRODUCTION to healing ancestral wounds particularly with the maternal line and includes many inquiries and journal prompts for you to be an active participant in your own healing journey. A journal is recommended.
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Kelly Rich, B.S., RYT, AHC is an international Seeress, Soul Reader, Intuitive, Educator, Mentor, host of the Own Your Intuition Podcast, creator of the Clarity Cleanse, Bug Light Yoga and the Own Your Intuition Course + Mentorship. She’s been leading transformational experiences since 2011. Connect with Kelly on Instagram @TheKellyRich