"Can you explain the use of crystals in an herbal bath ceremony? What about the other components (milk, petals)?" Today I answer this question along with another way to be an active participant in your OWN YOUR INTUITION journey! Click here to receive instant access to the Own Your Intuition Online Retreat today.

The 8 session included in the OYI Online Retreat:

Opening Ceremony: Connecting to Your Light Body 

Throat Chakra Expansion

Herbal Bath for Energy Protection 

Awakening Your Multidimensional Self

Channeling 101

Guided Journey to Angelic Realm


Closing Ceremony

Click here for instant access!
Kelly Rich is an International Intuitive Soul Reader, Psychic, Medium, Energy Medicine Practitioner and Educator offering intuitive readings, mentorships, trainings, retreats and events globally. You can learn more about Kelly + her offerings at KellyRichIntuitive.com and on Instagram @KellyRichIntuitive