Have you ever felt like something in your business just isn't quite right, even though everything seems to be going well on the surface? Well, I recently had a major realization that completely shifted the way I approach my business, and I can't wait to share it with you.

In this week’s podcast episode, I talked about the journey of handing over the reins to industry experts and the impact it had on my business. From copywriting to launching strategies, I made some big changes that initially seemed to bring great results. But as I dug deeper, I realized that authenticity and connection were missing from my business.

But this journey of self-discovery didn't stop there. I also explored the power of spontaneity and following my intuition, leading to exciting new ventures and a renewed sense of purpose in my business.

If you're curious to learn more about how embracing authenticity and intuition can transform your business this episode is a must-listen.

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00:00:00 Intro
00:00:41  Welcome and Post-Gym Energy
00:02:38 Embracing Change and Transformation
00:06:19 Experimenting with Business Models
00:08:58 New Initiatives and LinkedIn Focus
00:10:21 Spontaneity in Business
00:15:01 Outsourcing Copywriting and Authenticity Issues
00:18:58 Community Feedback and Personal Reflections
00:23:23 Lessons Learned and Future Directions