You are going to love this episode, like good food for your soul. My guest today is the divine Alex Nashton who I’ve had the honour of getting to know through her workshops and we speak about breathwork, neuroscience and the intricate relationship between what’s going on in our heads and what’s happening within the container of our bodies.

Abiding in California, Alex is a yoga and meditation teacher, Ayurvedic health coach, teacher and trainer and currently completing formal studies in neuroscience at UCLA. Alex is endlessly inspired by the human brain’s ability to change itself and believes that mindfulness practises are the best way to unlock negative patterns of the past to create more joy, more peace and more freedom. 

Alex shares her journey of how meditation and breathwork helped her move out of depression and how things really started clicking when she discovered the science behind the practises she was doing. We talk about how modern science simply validates what the mystics and eastern medicines have been saying for centuries, just using a different language.

We talk about some of the different breathwork techniques, including a technique which activates the pineal gland, and how changing the movement of our body via the movement of our breath changes what’s happening within the nervous system and the mind. Alex shares a practical introductory exercise that you can do to get started which will give you information about the state of your nervous system at the moment.

Alex works a lot with entrepreneurs and we talk about strategies to push through the fear of putting yourself out there and why it’s so important to restore your nervous system, which breathwork is so good for. We talk about the importance of knowing yourself and having the appropriate tools to bring yourself back into balance.

Alex is so full of knowledge and insight and I know you are going to absolutely love this episode. Sit down or lie down and take a deep breath. Enjoy.


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