This week @iplaigames, @MelOverwatch and @Blazzin_Bob are joined by @Ramses_ow to talk about how 2-2-2 has affected the Overwatch Pro scene and what we can expect for the playoffs.

League News:

Profits father opened up a PC bang in South Korea “Profit PC” 2020 housing changes

Team News:

Defiant part ways with Head Coach Bishop Justice release Fhazix Outlaws appoint Chris DeAppolonio as team president

OWL Recap is one of the first Overwatch League podcasts and one of the few to have a female host's perspective. We often have guests such as casters, coaches, journalists and more. The show is hosted by Andres (iplaigames), Mel (MelOverwatch) and Bobby (BlazzinBob).

#OverwatchLeague #Overwatch #OWL2019

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