On the Overthinking It Podcast we tackle “Terminator Genisys” with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Emilia Clarke.

Episode 366: You Drop This Acid, You Will Travel Through Time originally appeared on Overthinking It, the site subjecting the popular culture to a level of scrutiny it probably doesn't deserve. [Latest Posts | Podcast (iTunes Link)]

Ben Adams, Peter Fenzel, Mark Lee and Matthew Wrather overthink Terminator Genisys.


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Ben Adams: @badamsnavy
Peter Fenzel: @fenzelian
Mark Lee: @goestotwelve
Matthew Wrather: @mwrather

Further Reading

The Overview: Terminator 2
The Monster at the End of This Book

Episode 366: You Drop This Acid, You Will Travel Through Time originally appeared on Overthinking It, the site subjecting the popular culture to a level of scrutiny it probably doesn't deserve. [Latest Posts | Podcast (iTunes Link)]