The Overthinkers tackle the 55th Grammy Awards.

Episode 241: I Don’t Think It’s Wind-Beneath-My-Wings Quality originally appeared on Overthinking It, the site subjecting the popular culture to a level of scrutiny it probably doesn't deserve. [Latest Posts | Podcast (iTunes Link)]

Matthew Belinkie, Peter Fenzel, and Matthew Wrather overthink the 55th Grammy Awards, speculate about the difference in overthinability between movies and movies, and take a stab at analyzing the candidates for one of the many Best Song awards given tonight.


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Further Reading

The Recording Academy
Prince presents Record of the Year

Episode 241: I Don’t Think It’s Wind-Beneath-My-Wings Quality originally appeared on Overthinking It, the site subjecting the popular culture to a level of scrutiny it probably doesn't deserve. [Latest Posts | Podcast (iTunes Link)]