Lauren Hom is a designer and letterer based in Detroit, schooled in New York, and raised in Los Angeles. Known for her bright color palettes, playful letterforms, and quirky copywriting, Lauren has worked with clients like Starbucks, Google, AT&T, YouTube and TIME Magazine. Her work has been recognized by Communication Arts, the Type Directors Club, and the Webby Awards.

Lauren saw herself solely as an illustrator and letterer, but added “teacher” to her list of titles after connecting with a career coach in Vietnam. And who wouldn’t want to have her as a teacher? Lauren wants to put things out there that she wishes she had known when she was getting started. She's a hustler, she’s transparent, she’s humble, and her illustration and lettering business is on track to make half a million dollars this year. Host Justin Gignac was gobsmacked when she admitted this on her IG Stories. For those of you not in illustration and lettering…that’s a lot.

In this episode, you will learn the importance of destigmatizing money in the creative industry, and how necessary it is to be around people who help you dream bigger and encourage you to think about yourself in a different way.

Follow @OvershareTalks on Instagram.


Lauren Hom ( WNW / website / Instagram )
Daily Dishonesty ( website / book )
Lauren's "Passion to Paid" class
Lauren's new class "Mural Painting for Designers"
The Striving Artist podcast with Lauren and Stefan Kunz
#HOMwork Lauren's weekly IG lettering challenge
Lauren's pervy lettering and food orgy "Peen Cuisine"
"Passport Photos" project by Max Siedentopf
Andy J. Pizza’s skillshare "Make Creativity Your Career"
Ice Cream University