Ready to experience church differently? Pastor Josh Brown dives deep into Overflow Church's vision for the future, from staying true to God's call (no copycats here! ) to exciting growth plans (including a second service this fall! ).

But growth isn't everything! Overflow prioritizes a healthy church where you can thrive. Meet our amazing pastoral team who's here to support you.

Looking to connect? Overflow has groups for everyone, from young couples to youth! (Find your tribe! )

Want to be a part of something bigger? This video ends with ways YOU can contribute! Get excited, take the next step, and volunteer!

#overflowchurch #vision #growth #healthychurch #connect #volunteer

1:00 Following God's calling, not trends2:40 Overflow's growth and plans for the future5:01 Healthy church matters!7:41 Meet the Overflow pastoral team11:21 Find your people in a group14:31 How YOU can contribute!

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