Today on the podcast, a brief look back into a little bit of Overdrive’s recent history, as you'll hear Canada-headquartered owner-operator Josh Giesbrecht intimate up top. Giesbrecht notes Overdrive gave him his "first big break" on the road to expanded influence around the world for his daily/near-daily series of video blogs he's hosted for nigh on a decade and a half at this point. His "Trucker Josh" Youtube channel to this day continues to bring the bedrock in-cab reality of Canadian and U.S. hauling to the masses all around the world:

Turns out Overdrive was among the first outlets to cover what he was doing way back near the start of it, as he tells it, and set the video blog off on a run toward a much bigger audience. The "Trucker Josh" channel's history is certainly a living one, though, as it continues to be a repository of everything to landscapes and tarping tutorials, to mini rants and safety outreach, and so much more.

Josh Giesbrecht is the latest well-deserving honoree in a Hall of Fame hosted by a company regular listeners will no doubt be well aware of. You can find the fine folks behind the Howes Hall of Fame at -- and find our initial reporting on Giesbrecht's induction via this link:

Overdrive Editor Todd Dills sat down with owner-operator Giesbrecht and Howes Executive Vice President Rob Howes II at the Mid-America Trucking Show, where the Howes company announced the Hall of Fame induction. In the podcast today, the results of that talk, in which Giesbrecht ultimately centers on this central reason for his continued, dogged pursuit of sharing the life of the over-the-road driver and truck owner day-in, day-out: "I want this to go throughout my life," he said of his daily chronicling, to be "the thing that I leave behind to my kids, my grandkids. Hopefully it's something that can earn their respect. 'He started from here, he ended here, and he did good.'"

For the trucking community, then, Giesbrecht's will be a legacy of improvement in public appreciation of the brass-tacks work of hauling. Said Overdrive Radio host Todd Dills, "It’s somewhat easy to underestimate the impact video blogs like Trucker Josh’s have had on the better appreciation of the work of trucking by the general public. Geisbrecht’s was certainly among the first, and now with a subscription base in the six figures, it’s continuing to strike a nerve, or strike a chord, as it were, with a worldwide audience."

Other talks with Howes Hall of Fame inductee owner-operators:
Kate Whiting:
Angelique Temple: