In this episode we talk to Brenna Calvert. Brenna is a Conquer the Gauntlet Pro-Team athlete, and has moved into the business side of OCR as a full time build team member for Conquer the Gauntlet. We also talk about how she works with other races like Terrain Race so she can help spread the word for the lesser known races.

In addition to competing and building, she finds time to host the Strength & Speed Podcast with Evan Perperis where they talk in depth about training for Obstacle Course Racing.

We wrap the podcast up by talking about how amazing the OCR community, and more specifically the community of us media hosts are in this community. In true OCR spirit we are all friends instead of enemies in business.

Evan Perperis sent us his book “Strength & Speed's Guide to Elite Obstacle Course Racing” to check out. We will read it and get back to you with some additional details. In the meantime, head on over to and check out their new podcast or order the book.

This episode is sponsored by Lucky 13 Coaching with Nickademus Hollon.

You can get your Overcome and Run race jersey made by MudGear in our Gear Shop.

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