In this episode I talk to Yancy Culp about how to come back from a break in your workout routine. I am sure you all have had the struggle like I recently had, be it an injury, or work and life just getting in the way of your training and you needed help getting back to where you were. I know I was struggling, so I reached out to Yancy to help us all find that way back tot he workout grind so we can be ready to crush our next OCR.

We also talk a bit about Spartan Race World Championships from a couple weeks ago, and whats to come with Worlds Toughest Mudder. Yancy shares some advice with me about how to be ready for WTM, and maybe it'll help some of you as well.

Yancy was awesome enough to share a link with us to get a free month of Yancy Camp. Its definitely an awesome program so get over to to take advantage of that!

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