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This is the OverClocked PlayList, a collection of listener-submitted recommendations so we can all discover music together! This week’s theme is: Shop Themes (Part 1)

Next Week's Playlist: Shop Themes (Part 2)

Secret Songs


The Playlist: Shop Themes (Part 1)
 Buy Somethin’ Will Ya! - Earthbound (Black_Doom)Weapons Shop - Persona 5 (Jorito and Layton)Cheap Shop - Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game (jonesing4toast)Malo Mart - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Jeremy)Town Hall and Tom Nook’s Store - Animal Crossing: Wild World (Patchpen)An Errand - Okami (SystemsReady)Lookin’ Fresh - SplatoonShop - Super Mario Odyssey (Stalky)Tem Shop - Undertale (WillRock)Big Sale - Oreshika Tainted Bloodlines (Zachary)Shop (Life Appreciation Mix) - Super Ubie Land (JosephG)Wii Shop Channel - Nintendo Wii (Natan, Luigi, and Kyle)The Gates of Hell - Bayonetta (Jezzon)How About a Burger? - The Legend of the Mystical Ninja (Carlos)Chaotic Bar - Phantasy Star Online (Diatron5)

Bumper music:

Late Night Sneakin' - HappyBivouacJet Set Groove #3 - Hideki NaganumaS.E. Tape - SEGAOldies But Happies - Hideki NaganumaThe Concept of Love - Hideki NaganumaLike It Like This Like That - Hideki NaganumaS.E. System01 - SEGA

Extra info:

Twitter: @OCRpodcastBryan: @LordMeldorrStephen: @StephenKelly180


Email: [email protected]


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OverClocked ReMix is dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Learn more at!

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