John Moritz - He's covered two major-party national conventions, three governors, five lieutenant governors, five House speakers and more mass shootings and executions than he cares to recall over the course of 14 legislative sessions and interims.The bulk of is time in Austin was spent with the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, but since 2016 John has been a Capitol correspondent for the USA Today Network where his stories regularly appear in about a dozen Texas newspapers and occasionally in the national publication. His political column runs on Page 2 of the Sunday in the print editions of the Austin American-Statesman and in sundry USA Today Network papers.

Aaron Salinas - Aaron is a writer, actor, director and all around fun guy between the hours of 8-9 central time. He loves to share a laugh with folks almost as much as he loves to share a meal with them. A native Texan with a penchant for good times and good BBQ, if you can't find Aaron on Over The Lege, he's either at a storytelling show, or playing with his sweet pup, Mango. She'd love to meet you too.

Paul Normandin - Paul is a large man with a big mouth who loves to tell stories to anyone who can’t outrun him. Paul is an award winning storyteller, an improvisational comedian, actor, producer, and the Dean of the Merlin Works Institute for Improvisation. When not on a stage, in a classroom, or playing Ultimate Frisbee, Paul loves to go bicycle riding with one of his best friends.

With announcer, Amy Lowrey, and host, Stephanie Chiarello. 

Games Played: Wrote or Wroten't and Bill or Bluff.

Most KnowLEGEable Comedian: 

Edited by: Aaron Salinas and Stephanie Chiarello

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