Today’s episode features an interview between Matt Trifiro and Jason Shepherd, VP of Ecosystem at ZEDEDA, an edge virtualization company offering solutions for IoT Edge orchestration. 

Jason left his role as CTO of IoT and Edge Computing at Dell Technologies last year to join ZEDEDA, with the stated goal of bringing IoT out of its “AOL stage.”

In this interview, Jason discusses the significance of open source collaboration and interconnected ecosystems in scaling IoT and edge adoption.

Key Quotes

“Open source is the new way to drive standards and standards drive scale. If you don't have some sort of open source model going forward, it's going to be difficult, because ultimately it’s about scaling interconnected ecosystems, and that does not work without open.”

“It's about ecosystems. What you want is an ecosystem of lots of participants that all have a shared interest in building a platform upon which they can differentiate. So build one or join one, but either way be a part of one or you're going to struggle going forward.”

“Open source in general has just become the modern way to drive standards. Collaboration and open source– that shared technology investment– it minimizes undifferentiated heavy lifting. Stop doing that and start focusing on value. And it helps you create a snowball effect for standardization. What open source is creating is de facto standards. If you get enough people using something, it becomes a de facto standard. It's just a new way of driving that network effect for standardization

“The next domino that you have to solve is trust. You've got to figure out a way to scale trust over heterogeneous networks or none of this stuff will ever work. It’s about building trust at scale, and using technology to help you.” “Open source is the new way to drive standards and standards drive scale. Do you think Google didn't make money off Android and all the ad revenue that that ecosystem drove?”

“You'll never scale to the grail if you don't take an open path. Even if right now it's about solving  simple problems and creating some value, you'll never get to the ultimate goal of entirely new business transformation across many markets if you don’t have an open base.”


Over the Edge is brought to you by the generous sponsorship of Catchpoint, NetFoundry, Ori Industries, Packet, Seagate, Vapor IO, and Zenlayer.

The featured sponsor of this episode of Over the Edge is Ori Industries. Ori Industries is building the world’s largest edge cloud. Their products power the next generation of intelligent applications through unparalleled access to major communication networks worldwide. Ori is laying the foundations for application developers to seamlessly deploy to uncharted edge computing infrastructure across the globe. Learn more at


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