Today’s episode features an interview that took place earlier this month at Kubecon’s Kubernetes on Edge virtual conference between Matt Trifiro and Craig McLuckie.

As a co-founder of the Kubernetes project and co-creator of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, Craig is a modern-day legend in the space. He left Google in 2016 to found Heptio, and currently serves as VP of Product Management at VMware.

In this interview, Craig discusses the Kubernetes origin story, his current work in the Modern Application Platform business unit at VMware, and why he says Edge will be a highly disruptive area of innovation.

Key Quotes: 

“From a futures perspective, it's all about the edge. This is where I see the most excitement…I think it's going to be a huge growth area and a highly disruptive area of innovation over the coming years.”

“To succeed in a startup, you really need to look for a moment of disruption where the set of incumbents are not able to move as quickly as they might like; where there's a high total addressable market…that's what you can create a successful business out of.”

“There's no substitute for culture. I think if you can establish a very effective cultural bar, if you can design your culture to the problem at hand, and if you hold yourselves to a very high standard, it becomes self-perpetuating…[It starts] with being very, very deliberate about the cultural roots.”

“We are an organization that is in service of the community and in service of our customers, and what we build is honest technology. So we stand behind the way that we build, and we stand behind what we build. We take a great degree of pride and delight in creating honest technology.”


Over the Edge is brought to you by the generous sponsorship of Catchpoint, NetFoundry, Ori Industries, Packet, Seagate, Vapor IO, and Zenlayer.

The featured sponsor of this episode of Over the Edge is NetFoundry. What do IoT apps, edge compute and edge data centers have in common?  They need simple, secure networking.  Unfortunately, SD-WAN and VPN are square pegs in round holes.  NetFoundry solves the headache, providing software-only, zero trust networking, embeddable in any device or app. Go to to learn more.


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