The sunlight streamed through the playroom window as I settled into my favorite chair. The smell of coffee greeted me like an old friend and I reached for my Bible. Then I heard it. The patter of little feet on the wood floor. My quiet time I had longed for was cut short once again. 

As busy moms, how do we find time to meet with Jesus, even in the middle of our busy days? How do we prioritize our relationship with God with a to-do list a mile long and surrounded by family? 

In this episode learn how to:

Prioritize time with Jesus Discover creative ways to spend time with God Be intentional in your time with God Connect with Jesus through Tiny Habits


Take the Survey!  Million Praying Moms Podcast: Intentionally Inviting Jesus into Your Day with Tara L. Cole OAC Finding Hope in the Middle of the Chaos with Stacey Thacker Hope for the Weary Mom by Stacey Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin  Threadbare Prayers by Stacey Thacker Hope Grown Faith Membership Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg Keys for Kids Podcast NIV Study Bible 

Connect with: 

Facebook page: Tara L. Cole writer  Instagram @taralcole OverACup Community Facebook Group Abide 5 day Challenge 

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