Happy Easter to everyone.

The McFarlands, stewards of The Growing Season, return with a show about all the horticultural wonders associated with Easter.

Easter Lily, Hydrangea, Daffodils and many other forced bulbs are chatted about with humour and a side of history.

Frozen bulbs and snow BALLS? Yeah, the guys have a giggle about that.

Pat McFarland, regular on the show and owner of Best Cut, joins the show to chat about the many things you can do to get your property ready for the upcoming growing season.

Some inside knowledge, much of which you've probably never heard, is uncovered.

Need a visual? We gotchu. CLICK HERE.

Looking to book a consult for your property with spring on the way? We'd love to help. CLICK HERE.

What is a TGS Tiny Garden? CLICK HERE.

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