Grab that bone and get to work!

Jake Clemons, saxophonist and nephew of the late Clarence Clemons from the E Street Band, joined Barry on the scene before his recent show in Toronto.

Jake and Barry wind their way through Jake’s story, from his childhood, his fathers firm nature when it came the pursuit of music and how he ended up being a member of the E Street Band. His take on his position in the band will surprise you.

The guys talk about Jake’s new music, which is rife with influences and discuss how his album should be digested as just that - a story that weaves it way through an album’s worth of music.

A Pause for Thought talks about putting your head down and continuing to press on.

In My Life deals with aftermath.

Crazy Stories talks tortoises in places and guinea pigs in similar locations.

All that and more on Sessions.

Are you Born to Run?