It is possible. Tyler is proof.

Tyler Shaw, Canadian pop artist that is buzzing more than a beehive in honey season, joins Matt and Barry on Sessions.

Tyler talks about proposing marriage in a picturesque setting and stumbling into a career in music by accident. He ran with an opportunity and now boasts being the author of one of the songs of the summer. It truly is a dream come true story that you’ll want to hear.

In typical form, Barry and his foil throw curveballs at Tyler and the results are smile worthy and will induce guffawing.

Kurt Nielsen talks Demi Lovato and Rock’s dethroning on The Bassline. Barry is incredulous. The bear is poked.

A Pause for Thought talks sandwiches - but not any that you’ve ever had, nor do you want to.

Crazy Stories talks Coke, barracudas, warrants, reality show marriages and sunken tugboats. It all ties together. Trust us.

In My Life continues the saga of Barry in 1985. It truly was wonderful to not be in Barry’s sphere of influence back then. Spandex. That’s all we have to say.

All that and much more.

Chainsaws, staircases and spandex.

Feels like Friday to me.