Birds of a feather flock together.

Barry had the pleasure of chatting with 80’s trendsetters “A Flock of Seagulls” on location at a concert. The guys discuss the resurgence of 80’s music that has taken them by surprise and how a great song is something that can live on despite a change in the sensibilities of the music buying public.

The band, now mostly comprised of musicians that grew of as fans of the Flock, is both a fan boys dream and reality. Its a cool dynamic, especially when playing in front of 17,000 people.

Jason James, up and coming singer/songwriter chats with Barry and Matt from Oscars Roadhouse, a pub in Brampton ON. Jason talks trenching it in the music industry and being in the right place at the right time so that the big break will be his to grab.

Two very opposite ends of spectrum. Its fascinating.

Crazy News talks bin food and being arrested for enquiring about being arrested.

A Pause for Thought is rock solid while In My Life dances in the rain.

All that and much, much more.

Its Friday - have a Session.