Pinstripes and brothers.

J.A. Happ, former Blue Jay and fan favourite, joins Outta The Park to talk about his new uniform, team and where he’s at now that he’s a Yankee.

Barry and J.A chat about his unfortunate contraction of hand, foot and mouth disease, the adjustment his family has had to make and how Morgan, his wife and a friend of the show, stepped up to make the transition an easy one.

J.A. is dearly missed and it would be wonderful to see him in a Blue Jays uniform again.

Matt Borucki, brother of Blue Jay Ryan Borucki, chimes in to talk about his brother and the reaction to his Twitter feed.

Matt is a real character and his personality shines through as he talks with Barry and Matt.

In particular, his story about partying with former NBA star Dennis Rodman is something you’ll not soon forget.

Raj Suppiah is in the medical room to talk ACL’s, MCL’s, and the other parts of the knee and the injuries related to them.

The First Pitch discusses what went wrong with the Blue Jays this season and how the 2019 iteration will be affected by this years performance.

Ask Barry Davis talks Solarte, and why the Blue Jays had to eat some of Josh Donaldson’s salary in the trade.

The results of the Fair or Foul Poll are revealed.

It’s baseball talk with a bunch of characters.