It’s loaded!

Outta The Park Ep. 71 is jam packed.

Jesse Barfield, former Blue Jay and man with the cannon in the outfield joins Barry and Matt to talk about his career and what he’s up to now.

Jesse is eloquent and discusses working with young baseballers to maximize their hiring potential.

Jesse’s upbringing and past play a huge part in his coaching style and he details how he came up, his relationship with his parents and how he’s used his hard scrabble youth as a way of mentoring young people.

Josue Peley, Blue Jays translator, drops in to chat with Barry and discusses his dream job and how he’s in a unique position to be the bridge between cultures and languages in the Blue Jays clubhouse.

Mio Yokoi chats with Barry about neuro feedback therapy and how it can be used to re-wire the brains of athletes as well as those looking to work through anxiety, depression and various mental health challenges.

Raj Suppiah talks glutes and injuries to posterior areas.

The First Pitch talks Travis and his glasslessness. He’s fragile no longer.

Ask Barry Davis talks translators and a players only meeting.

The Fair or Foul Poll is all about managing in a general sense.

Its Sunday, so spend it Outta The Park!